How can I quickly solve a workplace mystery?
Jonathan Rivett
Careers contributorThere’s a mystery at work that nobody can solve. It’s nothing bad, but it is curious and compelling in a weird sort of way. So many work people I’ve spoken to say they know it’s stupid (because of how minor the whole thing is), but they really want to get to the bottom of it. I’m the same.
We’ve asked some questions and made some efforts to find out what the answer is, but we’re still in the dark. Some people have talked about doing a more formal investigation. A few people have talked about making a podcast about the whole thing. These might be decent ideas, but they’ll take a long time. I want to know the answer to this mystery as soon as possible.Is there anything we can do to get to the bottom of this more quickly?
Sometimes, the best way to get an answer to a workplace mystery is not by asking the right question, but the wrong one.Credit: John Shakespeare
As always, I’m not going to go into too much detail about your case because it would give away people’s identities, as well as your organisation. Even with fun topics like this one, we don’t want to do that.
For the benefit of all other readers, I’ll do a little bit of non-specific context-building. What you’ve described is indeed intriguing; “mystery” seems like an apt description to me.
What we’re roughly talking about is an amusing organisational idiosyncrasy that most likely goes back many years, and which has never been publicly explained. It’s very likely that at least one person at the organisation knows the truth, but for one reason or another hasn’t yet revealed it.
I’m big on the importance of taking breaks at work, not just to get away from a screen, but to take your mind off everyday routines and frustrations. That might be going for a walk outside the office, going out for lunch occasionally, or simply chatting with co-workers about non-work stuff.
Solving an office mystery is a less obvious tactic, but definitely fits the bill. So, first, good on you for setting out on this whimsical quest.
How can you find a satisfying answer without committing to long (but possibly enjoyable) investigative tasks? Probably in several different ways, but from what you’ve told me, I wonder whether one of the simplest options might also be the best.
There’s a computer programmer in the United States called Ward Cunningham, and he’s widely regarded as the inventor of the wiki. A wiki is a source of online information that is collaboratively edited by the very people who read it, the best-known example being Wikipedia.
Anyway, he’s a smart and inventive fellow, and one of the many things he’s known for outside wikis is “Cunningham’s Law”. It goes like this: “The best way to get the right answer on the internet is not to ask a question; it’s to post the wrong answer.”
Now, Cunningham himself says he was misquoted and that he never suggested a person should ask a question by proposing an incorrect answer. Despite his own disavowal, and the fact that it specifically relates to digital forums, I think Cunningham’s Law might still be useful to you.
At the heart of the dictum is the idea that you can entice someone who knows the truth about a disputed question – or, yes, a mystery – to reveal it not by asking directly, but by appealing to an instinct that trumps their reticence or discretion. That might be a sense of injustice or righteousness or self-regard … or simply a desire to correct the record.
Under different circumstances, such a ploy could be seen as unscrupulous or even unethical, a form of deceptive baiting or emotional exploitation. In your situation, though – and as long as you choose your statement carefully – I think we can comfortably describe this as gentle, if mischievous, manipulation.
Nobody will be hurt by you (or another brave colleague) confidently stating as fact an answer you know to be wrong about a question that, in the scheme of things, doesn’t really matter.
It’s not a foolproof plan, by any means, but it costs pretty close to nothing, wouldn’t require much time – perhaps a meeting to get the tone and tenor of your fabrication just right – and, most importantly, could be as fun as the mystery itself.
My advice is to get creative and see whether you can tease the truth out of a stubborn hold-out with an irresistibly silly confection.
Send your questions to Work Therapy by emailing jonathan@theinkbureau.com.au
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