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When Hutchison started his journalism cadetship at the Herald Sun in 1993, he was the odd man out among his peers, says one former colleague. “Look where he’s at now – a millionaire, and the most high-profile of us all.”

Craig Hutchison to sell NBL’s Perth Wildcats for $40m

Craig Hutchison’s embattled media and sports business has sold NBL franchise the Perth Wildcats for $40 million.

  • by Calum Jaspan
News Corp is making 20 journalists redundant across its titles.

News Corp cuts 20 journalists, with The Australian and Herald Sun spared

Twenty more journalists will be made redundant at News Corp Australia as part of a wider effort to save as much as $65 million.

  • by Calum Jaspan

Opinion & Perspectives

The crude piece of career advice I think about all the time

Next time you find yourself in a difficult situation at work, this admittedly crude advice might just help.

Tim Duggan
Tim Duggan

Careers contributor

The US warns China as frustration builds

A senior US official has taken aim at China, saying “more creative approaches may be necessary” to protect the global economy.

Stephen Bartholomeusz
Stephen Bartholomeusz

Senior business columnist

Why markets are fretting less about this US election

Elections make for nervous sharemarkets. But this time it’s different for one reason.

Elizabeth Knight
Elizabeth Knight

Business columnist

Banking & finance


Small business

Max Mustard is the eponymous heroine of the VR game by Gold Coast developers Toast Interactive.

Meet Max: She’s the top-selling VR game on Meta, and created in Queensland

Like many great ideas, Max Mustard owes her existence to someone being told not to do something.

  • by Nick Dent

Booktopia might be on the brink, but your local bookshop probably isn’t

As Australia’s largest online bookseller struggles to forge a viable business model, many independent booksellers have found ways to thrive.

  • by Jessica Yun

Popular in Business
