Sydney, do you earn enough?

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Sydney, do you earn enough?

Sydney, do you earn enough?

A data-driven deep dive by the Herald into your job, your salary and your suburb – right across NSW. And there’s nearly 1 million combinations.

5 stories
3:2 earn
Interactive tool

Interactive: How the median full-time income for your job, in your suburb, compares

Is your job what you want to do, are you earning enough for the hours you work, or is it time to consider a new role or even profession?

  • by Craig Butt, Nathanael Scott, Daniel Carter and The Visual Stories Team
Explained: How we compiled detailed data for 1000+ jobs

Explained: How we compiled detailed data for 1000+ jobs

How we built an interactive tour or every job in every suburb – from accountants to zookeepers, doctors, lawyers, shopkeepers and even goat farmers.

  • by Craig Butt

Which suburb has the most teachers? Dentists? Models? Where to find Sydney’s worker tribes

A data investigation reveals how different worker types are distributed across Sydney.

  • by Matt Wade and Craig Butt
Brianna O’Connor
Do You Earn Enough?

Some jobs are so unusual, they’re not recognised by the ABS. Brianna’s is one of them

If you’ve never heard of aquarists, you’re not alone. They belong to one of Australia’s most unusual worker tribes.

  • by Gemma Grant and Craig Butt
Essential workers index image for SMH

Triple 0: The Sydney suburbs with no police, firefighters or paramedics

The five Sydney suburbs that are home to the most police officers are, on average, 45 kilometres from the CBD. For solicitors, the average is less than four kilometres.

  • by Matt Wade and Craig Butt