Naked City | The Sydney Morning Herald

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Naked City

Sly’s seven-point plan to break the youth crime cycle

Sly’s seven-point plan to break the youth crime cycle

As government and police meet to talk about youth crime, on the streets and in our courts a predictable cycle is taking place. Home invasion, high-speed chase, arrest, bail. Rinse and repeat.

  • by John Silvester


A new profile of Mr Cruel, who may have been a burglar before he was a killer

A new profile of Mr Cruel, who may have been a burglar before he was a killer

A US crime profile says Mr Cruel was a burglar who escalated to abducting girls. “It is an addiction. You build a tolerance and have to up the game to get the thrill.”

  • by John Silvester
Greg Lynn and the mystery of the double fatality at Zig Zag Road

Greg Lynn and the mystery of the double fatality at Zig Zag Road

A coroner found it was a murder-suicide, but those who knew the dead couple – who were neighbours of convicted murderer Greg Lynn – aren’t so certain.

  • by John Silvester
Crime scene to court: Why the jury didn’t buy Greg Lynn’s story

Crime scene to court: Why the jury didn’t buy Greg Lynn’s story

Six men and six women of the jury heard two versions of the events that led to the deaths of Russell Hill and Carol Clay. They agreed there was a third version.

  • by John Silvester
A lockdown project and a fallen tree: Gregory Lynn’s sliding doors moments

A lockdown project and a fallen tree: Gregory Lynn’s sliding doors moments

If Gregory Lynn had not kept bees or if a road that crossed the Wonnangatta River was not blocked on the fateful evening, a cool-headed pilot might have got away with murder.

  • by John Silvester and Erin Pearson
He was a rising star in the police force, then it all came tumbling down

He was a rising star in the police force, then it all came tumbling down

Making his mark catching crooks came at a heavy cost for Tim Peck, who ignored the warning signs until he crashed into them.

  • by John Silvester
Where there are smokes there are fires: Inside Victoria’s tobacco war

Where there are smokes there are fires: Inside Victoria’s tobacco war

Property owners knowingly making money from an illicit source could find their income and the property subject to asset seizure.

  • by John Silvester
He was one of Victoria’s top homicide detectives. Working too hard cost him the job he loved

He was one of Victoria’s top homicide detectives. Working too hard cost him the job he loved

Lucio Rovis was one of the Big Five of the homicide squad, where he spent 25 years. He was transferred to a taskforce and then offered his old job back. It was too late.

  • by John Silvester
A lifetime in the police force, but when he died, there was no farewell honour

A lifetime in the police force, but when he died, there was no farewell honour

Daryl Payne wrestled a gun from a shooter and won a valour award. But the way we treat people like him falls way too short of the mark.

  • by John Silvester
Why ego should be a gangster’s dirty word

Why ego should be a gangster’s dirty word

Instead of hiding in the shadows, gangsters are flaunting their wealth. Changes to the law may make them trip over their extravagance, right into trouble.

  • by John Silvester
As a reporter, my inbox is civil. Then I read what my female colleagues are sent

As a reporter, my inbox is civil. Then I read what my female colleagues are sent

The internet is modern society’s sewer. It is vital to life but when it breaks, it is a disaster. And for women, it has proved toxic and dangerous.

  • by John Silvester